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Compression Techniques
for Great-Looking Indeo® Video

Intel's Indeo® video is software that allows you to capture, compress, decompress and play digital video files on a desktop PC. It is available free of charge to PC users, video producers, and multimedia software developers, who can distribute it royalty-free with their applications.

This document describes how to most effectively compress video using Indeo video interactive or Indeo video Release 3.2. Read this document if you plan to use Indeo video to produce multimedia applications on a PC. This paper assumes that you have installed on your PC the latest Indeo video drivers and software for video capture, editing, and playback.

This document is divided into the following sections:

The Application Compression Dialog
Discusses features of the video editing application's compression dialog: how to set the target data rate, how to choose the video compressor, how to interleave audio and video, factors to consider when setting the key frame interval, and guidelines for when to use CD-ROM padding.

The Indeo Video Interactive Compression Dialog
Describes the special features of Indeo video interactive.

Editing Compressed Video
Explains the challenges of editing compressed video and describes ways to ensure satisfactory results.

Using Transparency or Bidirectional Prediction Without Application Support
Describes work-arounds for incorporating transparency and bidirectional prediction into your video even if you are using an editing application that does not support these Indeo video interactive features.

Summarizes the key points.

The Application Compression Dialog
Most editing applications have one or more menus or dialogs with which the user sets critical video compression options, including the desired average data rate for the compressed file, the video compressor to use, the audio and video interleave, the key frame interval, and CD-ROM playback preparation. This section explains how to set these variables to meet your compression needs and obtain the best possible results.

Setting the Target Data Rate
Most editing applications provide a selector box called Data Rate, and a numerical entry box into which the desired average data rate is entered in kilobytes (KB) per second. If you use the offline encoder, the Data Rate control usually works in concert with a Quality slider, either enabled or not, to control the target data rate of the compressed file.

If you enter a nonzero value into the Data Rate box, then the Quality slider is ignored (whether it is actually grayed out or not). Setting the Data Rate instead of the Quality control results in files of the highest possible visual quality, at the lowest possible data rates, and with the most precise target data rate control.

If the Data Rate box is deselected, or if you enter a value of zero, then the Quality slider is enabled. The higher you set it, the better the visual quality of the resulting file. However, the data rate is also higher, because the Quality slider does not use all the codec's compression capabilities. Rather, it uses a subset of the possible compression techniques. The benefit of this approach is speed: using the Quality slider allows the Indeo codec to run faster. The tradeoff is that the resulting files will have neither the high visual quality nor the low data rate of files created using the Data Rate control. We therefore encourage you to use the Data Rate control instead of the Quality slider.

Select the box and enter a target data rate, expressed in KB per second. The codec attempts to output compressed data at an average data rate as close to the target value as possible. It usually won't be exact, because compression is very content-dependent. For example, computer-generated animation sequences consisting of simple backgrounds, low detail, and little motion, typically compress extremely well; to compress such sequences, the codec might be able to achieve a data rate of 50 to 100 KB per second. However, live video sequences of sporting events for example, featuring complex backgrounds and lots of motion, require a higher data rate. Also, audio data requires its share of the data rate as well. Most of the time, the codec can achieve an average data rate within ten percent of the desired target.

Selecting an appropriate data rate is an art that depends on a combination of factors relating to the system performance of the target playback environment. The most important of these is CD-ROM performance.

Single-spin (1X) drives are theoretically capable of sustaining a data transfer rate of 150 KB per second; for double-spin (2X) drives, this rate is 300 KB per second. 3X and 4X drives are, of course, even faster. But theoretical data rates are not ordinarily achieved in real users' systems, because the CPU must not only transfer every byte of data from the CD-ROM drive over the system bus and into system memory, it must also decode the compressed video after it gets there. Slower CPUs might use more than 50% of their available cycles just decoding and displaying the video; they'll have fewer cycles left over to transfer the data from the CD-ROM and are therefore limited to lower average data rates. Faster CPUs might use only 20-30% of their available cycles for decode and display; they'll have more cycles left over with which to transfer the data and can therefore support higher sustained data rates.

Target data rates must therefore be determined through testing and experience. Some older applications use video compressed at only 90 KB per second. Video at this data rate can play back on virtually any low-end system with even the oldest 1X CD-ROM drive. In order to get acceptable video quality at this fairly low data rate, however, the video files must be limited to a resolution of only 240 by 180 pixels, at a mere 10 frames per second (fps).

For 2X playback, many developers seem to have settled on 200 KB per second. This rate is high enough for even 320 by 240 resolution video at 15 fps to be compressed with high visual quality. It's also low enough that even low-end CPUs can play the files from a 2X CD-ROM drive without dropping frames. Applications targeted for Pentium® processor-based systems and 4X CD­ROM drives can probably use data rates as high as 400-450 KB per second.

To determine the average data rate of an existing file in Windows* 3.x:

  1. Open the file in Media Player.
  2. From the Device menu, select Configure.

A dialog appears, displaying the average data rate in KB per second.

To determine the average data rate of an existing file in Windows 95*:

  1. Open the Explorer.
  2. Click on the file icon with the right mouse button.
  3. Select Properties.
  4. Click on the tab labeled Details and examine the resulting dialog.

Selecting the Compression Method
The compression method selects which video codec will compress the video data. Make sure you have the latest version of Indeo video on your system; its entry should read Intel Indeo® video interactive.

Interleaving Audio and Video
The parameter usually referred to as Interleave controls the grouping of audio and video frames on a CD-ROM or hard disk. Always set interleave to 1 (also referred to as interleaving the file at 1:1). Video for Windows* reads frames from the CD-ROM drive one at a time; if each frame's audio and video are not stored right next to each other on the disc (that is, if the interleave parameter is set higher than 1), then the CD-ROM drive must skip back and forth at each frame to collect this data, an excessively time-consuming process. Files interleaved at greater than 1:1 play very poorly from CD-ROM; the audio is broken and unsynchronized and the image can be fuzzy. Files interleaved at greater than 1:1 play back reasonably well from hard disk, but the audio and video may be poorly synchronized.

Most video capture applications do not interleave audio and video during capture, and so the frames are interleaved at an interval higher than 1:1. To determine whether or not an existing file was interleaved at 1:1 in Windows 3.x:

  1. Open the file in Media Player.
  2. From the Device menu, select Configure.

A dialog box appears, displaying the File Type. If the file type is AVI Interleaved, the file is interleaved at 1:1. If the file type is AVI Default File Handler, then the file is probably not interleaved at 1:1, and therefore cannot play from a CD-ROM drive.

NOTE: This functionality has been removed from Media Player in Windows 95. Use your video editing application instead.

You can reinterleave any existing file:

  1. Open the file with a video editing application.
  2. Set the interleave parameter to 1.
  3. Save the file to disk. If the video is already compressed, make sure you do not recompress it. (See the section below entitled "Editing Compressed Video" for more details.)

Setting the Key Frame Interval
The key frame interval controls the occurrence of key frames and delta frames within a compressed file. The frequency and location of key frames and delta frames control a file's video quality and data rate.

To maximize image quality while still maintaining low data rates, Indeo video uses a combination of intraframe and interframe encoding. Key frames are encoded only with respect to themselves; they are essentially still images, containing all of the visual information needed to display them. This is intraframe encoding. Delta frames do not contain all of the visual information necessary to display them, but only information representing differences from other frames. This is interframe encoding.

Both types of frames are useful, and both have limitations:

  • Key frames are usually much larger than delta frames, but they help to establish high image quality. Also, because key frames can be decoded without reference to other frames, an application can access them at any point; file playback can begin from any key frame.
  • Delta frames are usually much smaller than key frames, providing an excellent way to control data rate. However, delta frames cannot be decoded without reference to other frames and are therefore not randomly accessible.

The first frame of every video file must be a key frame. After the first frame, the codec intersperses key frames periodically between strings of delta frames to refresh image quality. The key frame interval controls the frequency with which key frames occur. (Indeo video interactive also allows developers to place key frames explicitly wherever they wish, at scene changes, for example, or where random user access is required.)

For example, a file using the Indeo video interactive default key frame interval of 15 appears as shown in Figure 1. (Key frames are labeled with a K; delta frames with a D.)

Figure 1. Key Frames and Delta Frames in the Video File

In addition to affecting video quality, data rate control, and user access, the key frame interval also affects playback performance. When a video is being played on a system with a slow CPU or CD-ROM drive, video decode and display can lag behind audio playback. When this occurs, Video for Windows tries to speed up the video by either decoding some video frames but not displaying them, or by not decoding them at all. If a frame is neither decoded nor displayed, it is dropped.

The effect of dropping a frame depends on:

  • the type of frame
  • the key frame interval

If a key frame is dropped, then every subsequent delta frame will be dropped until the next key frame. Files with higher key frame intervals drop more frames.

If a delta frame is dropped, the effect varies. Some delta frames can be dropped without impacting the decode of any subsequent delta frames. However, some delta frames contain information about other delta frames, and if one such delta frame is dropped then the other delta frames will be dropped as well.

The default key frame interval usually provides a good balance between video quality, data rate control, and CD-ROM playback performance. Because different types of video material present special challenges and work well at different key frame intervals, experiment with other settings to maximize video quality and playback performance of your video clip.

To determine the key frame interval of an existing file in Windows 3.x:

  1. Open the file in Media Player.
  2. From the Device menu, select Configure.

A dialog appears, diplaying the key frame interval.

NOTE: This functionality has been removed from Media Player in Windows 95. Use your video editing application instead.

You can also use the application Video Compression Sampler* to learn this and other information about a video file.

Unlike interleaving audio and video, you cannot change the key frame interval of a compressed file without recompressing some or all of the file. You must set the key frame interval when a file is originally compressed. If you must change the key frame interval of a compressed file, it is best to recompress the file from the original source file.

Selecting CD-ROM Padding
Enable CD-ROM padding only if you are compressing with Indeo video Release 3.2 and intend the file to be played back from a CD-ROM drive. No matter what the target playback device, do not enable CD-ROM padding if you intend to compress with Indeo video interactive.

CD-ROM padding is null data added to the end of a compressed frame of video in order to adjust its frame size. After padding, the size of each frame in the file is an exact multiple of two KB. In other words, padding rounds up the size of each frame to the next highest multiple of two KB. (It doesn't make every frame the same size; after padding, frames are still of various sizes, but all are an exact multiple of two KB.)

Even though padding makes the file slightly larger, it allows the video to play more efficiently from CD-ROM, because the data on a CD-ROM is laid out in 2 KB data sectors. When an application requests a video frame from the disc, the CD-ROM driver software commands the CD-ROM drive hardware to seek the requested data. Seek commands search for data by first locating the start of the 2 KB sector in which the data resides. If the data begins precisely at the start of the 2 KB sector, search time is minimized. Therefore, a video file is read from a CD-ROM drive with optimum efficiency if all of its frames begin exactly at the start of 2 KB sectors, which is accomplished by CD-ROM padding. The faster seek time increases the data rate you can achieve and decreases the probability of dropped frames.

Indeo video interactive, however, packs the video data in other ways and uses its own internal techniques to achieve efficient playback.

NOTE: If you are using Indeo video interactive, do not enable CD-ROM padding. CD-ROM padding adversely affects data rate with Indeo video interactive and increases the likelihood of dropped frames.

The Indeo® Video Interactive Compression Dialog
When you choose Indeo video interactive as your compression method, another dialog appears.

Figure 2. The Indeo Video Interactive Compression Dialog

This dialog offers you a variety of special Indeo video interactive features:

  • the quick compressor
  • scalability
  • bidirectional prediction
  • transparency
  • quality
  • access key protection
  • local decode

These are discussed in detail below.

The Quick Compressor
Up to now, this document has discussed Indeo video interactive's normal encoding, often called offline encoding because it can be quite time-consuming. The Quick Compress option allows Indeo video interactive to encode video many times faster than it otherwise would. Exactly how much faster depends on the specific content of the source video and the other encoder options you've selected.

If you choose Quick Compress, then several options are automatically disabled as shown in Figure 3: bidirectional prediction, transparency, quality, and local decode. The only available Quality setting is Good. In the interest of speed, the quick compressor uses a subset of possible compression techniques; you trade off speed of encoding against both image quality (which will probably be somewhat less) and the possibility of fluctuations in the data rate. This makes the Quick compressor ideal for previewing your video. Your final application, however, will almost certainly require the offline encoder for both best image quality as well as maintaining a consistent data rate.

Figure 3. The Indeo Video Interactive Dialog With the Quick Compressor Chosen

Use the quick compressor to test, prototype, or preview the appearance of your video after encoding with Indeo video interactive. It is also suitable for hard disk applications in which data rate control is less critical. However, after you've previewed the video and made any required adjustments, we recommend using the offline encoder for your final product. For the best quality at lower data rates, or to achieve a steady data rate without spikes, do not use the quick compressor.

The Indeo video interactive codec can play any video clip compressed with the quick compressor.

To enable quick compression, check the Quick Compress box in the Encoder Controls area.

When scalability is enabled, Indeo video interactive compresses video in a manner that allows playback visual quality to vary automatically, based on the playback system's available processing power. If processing power is inadequate, the codec degrades visual quality incrementally rather than dropping frames. This avoids jerky video playback.

To enable scalability, check the Scalability box in the Encoder Controls area.

Bidirectional Prediction
Video compression has traditionally used some form of interframe compression; the codec compares video frames and stores only the difference between frames, usually using backward prediction. The contents of some frames are predicted based on the content of previous frames.

Indeo video interactive uses such interframe encoding techniques, but it can also use a more sophisticated interframe encoding technique called bidirectional prediction: the contents of some frames are predicted based on both previous and future frames. Bidirectional prediction helps avoid large spikes in data rate caused by scene changes or fast movement, significantly improving image quality, particularly in video sequences involving high motion.

Bidirectional prediction adds a certain amount of playback overhead: when the current frame has been encoded based on both past and future frames, it is necessary to first decode a future frame in order to decode and display the current frame. The Indeo video interactive codec therefore decodes frames in a different order from that in which they are actually displayed. Such out-of-order decode imposes a certain amount of overhead; for a clip without much movement, such as a talking head, bidirectional prediction may not improve image quality enough to make it worth the overhead.

To enable bidirectional prediction, check the Bidirectional Prediction box in the Encoder Controls area.

This option is disabled when using Quick compression.

The Indeo video interactive codec supports a form of transparency analogous to chromakeying or blue-screening, allowing you to composite foreground objects over backgrounds from a source other than the same video clip. This transparency encoding is flexible, allowing for multiple foreground objects of complex shapes. Foreground objects can also move from frame to frame, allowing you to create what one might call video sprites.

The encoder box offers three choices for handling transparency: first-frame analysis, alpha channel, or none.

First-Frame Analysis
The first frame of the video is analyzed to determine the color or range of colors that represent the transparent background, such as the blue screen. If you choose this method, the first frame of your video must be a carefully lit shot of nothing but the background that will become transparent.

Alpha Channel
The codec interprets the upper eight bits of the source video's 32-bit RGB color space as an 8-bit alpha channel describing the transparency or translucency of each pixel in the frame. Indeo video interactive uses the alpha channel to generate a 1-bit transparency bitmask for each frame: a pixel is either transparent or not. Translucency is not supported.

Disables transparency.

If either method of transparency is enabled, Indeo video interactive analyzes each frame, separates the background pixels from the foreground pixels, and encodes only the foreground objects.

This option is disabled when using Quick compression.

Indeo video interactive offers you the ability to allocate the amount of system resource required for video playback, trading off image quality against system resources. The Quality pull-down menu offers three categories:

Good Image quality is good and video plays smoothly using the least processing power.
Better Image quality is better and video requires somewhat more processing power to play smoothly.
Best Image quality is best and video requires the most processing power to play smoothly.

Select the appropriate choice from the pull-down menu.

The only quality setting available with the quick compressor is Good.

Access Key
If you are concerned about the illegal distribution of your copyrighted material, use Indeo video interactive's access key feature to prevent misuse of your video clips. Access keys are numeric passwords that you insert into a video clip during compression. A clip encoded with an access key can be played only by an application that has the key. Media Player, for example, cannot play clips encoded with an access key because it cannot supply an access key to Indeo video interactive.

To use this feature:

  1. Check the Enable box in the Access Key field. (The compression application displays the Value field.)
  2. Enter a number between 0 and 4,294,967,295 (65,535 for 16-bit applications) in the Value field. Do not type commas.

This value is the access key that an application must supply in order to play the video clip.

Local Decode
Sometimes an application needs to display only part of a video image. In such a case, it's efficient to avoid wasting system resources decoding the part of the source image that does not need to be displayed. Indeo video interactive provides this capability with local decode. The playback application can tell Indeo video interactive to decode only a rectangular subregion of the source video image called the viewport.

If you plan to make use of this feature, you must specify the minimum possible size of the local decode viewport during compression. Then the display size of the viewport, and its location, can be enlarged dynamically during playback.

To enable the local decode feature during video playback, specify the minimum viewport size by entering the width and height in pixels in the Width and Height fields in the Minimum Viewport Size area.

To disable local decode for a given video clip, enter 0 in both of these fields.

This option is disabled when using Quick compression.

The Indeo video interactive defaults are:

  • Quick compression off
  • Scalability off
  • Bidirectional prediction off
  • Transparency set to None
  • Quality set to Best
  • Access key disabled
  • No minimum viewport size (width and height both set to zero)

By default, Indeo video interactive saves encoder options between uses. If you would like to reset the option to the default options, press the Load Default button.

Editing Compressed Video
In general, avoid editing already compressed material. If you must edit a compressed file, use an application such as Asymetrix's Digital Video Producer* or Adobe Premiere*, which supports limited recompression: they recompress only the part of the file that has been modified.

For example, suppose you wish to extract a sequence in which the first frame is a delta frame. The application must decompress the first frame and recompress it as a key frame, using the previous key frame from the source file as a reference. All subsequent delta frames until the next key frame must also be decompressed and recompressed as new delta frames, using the newly created key frame as a reference. But as soon as the next key frame is encountered, no further frames need to be recompressed, and applications that support limited recompression avoid doing so.

NOTE: Certain editing applications, such as Premiere and Digital Video Producer, do not show an explicit No Recompression option in the Compression dialog box. To avoid recompression of (for example) Indeo video source files, select the same Indeo video codec when saving those files back to disk. The application compares the format of the compressed input files to the selected output format and automatically refrains from recompressing the data, or (as described above) recompresses only when necessary.

Finally, it's a good idea to avoid editing files that were compressed in different formats into one clip. For example, if you join a file compressed using Indeo video with a file compressed using Microsoft's RLE compressor, and select Indeo video as the save format, the RLE data must be decompressed and recompressed as Indeo video. Avoiding recompression is impossible under these circumstances.

Using Transparency or Bidirectional Prediction without Application Support
Some video editing and compression applications do not yet support Indeo video interactive's transparency and bidirectional prediction features. If you are using such an application, it is still possible to create .AVI files incorporating these features. This section describes the manual work-arounds necessary to do so.

As of this writing, Adobe Premiere 4.2 supports all the features of Indeo video interactive, including transparency, bidirectional prediction, and aperiodic key frames. Ulead Media Studio Pro* 2.5 supports bidirectional prediction. You may wish to consider using one of these products. Later versions of other video editors will doubtless be enhanced to support the special features of Indeo video interactive.

Transparency without Application Support
To create a video file with transparency using an application that doesn't support the feature, the only form of transparency you can use is first-frame analysis, a technique wherein the first frame of the video file is a dummy frame whose sole purpose is to supply the color or range of colors to be rendered as transparent. This frame, which contains no video data, is called the transparency frame (abbreviated below as TF).

Assume an example video file containing one hundred frames of video data, as shown in Figure 3:

Figure 3. Example Video File Without Transparency Frame

You must now create a frame that contains only the background color or range of colors which are to be rendered transparent, and manually paste it onto the beginning of the file. You can create the transparency frame in various ways: you might, for example, place the video camera on a tripod, light your background as carefully as possible to produce the smallest possible range of colors, and shoot one frame of video. After you paste in the transparency frame, your file now appears as shown in Figure 4:

Figure 4. Example Video File With Transparency Frame

Ideally, the Indeo video interactive codec would simply not return the transparency frame to the editing application. However, Video for Windows codecs are required to return a compressed frame immediately upon receiving a source frame. Therefore, the Indeo video interactive codec must return the transparency frame, even though you don't want the file to play showing this as the first frame.

Editing software enhanced to support the Indeo video interactive codec ignores the transparency frame; however, an existing editor not enhanced to support the Indeo video interactive codec simply pairs the transparency frame with the first frame of the audio, and writes the audio and video data as an .AVI frame. After this initial mispairing, the first frame of video is paired with the second frame of audio, the second frame of video with the third frame of audio, and so on. The resulting file has 101 frames of video but only one hundred frames of audio, and the audio and video are out of sync by one frame.

To correct this:

  1. Compress the file using the Indeo video interactive codec. Choose the transparency setting First-frame analysis in the Indeo video interactive advanced dialog box.
  2. Reopen the file in the editing application.
  3. Trim the first frame of video but not audio.
  4. Save the file without recompression.

The codec always returns the transparency frame as a key frame. Because the actual first frame of video is also, of course, a key frame, after deleting the transparency frame, the file still starts with a key frame and can therefore be saved without causing recompression.

Bidirectional Prediction without Application Support
During the encoding process, bidirectional prediction (described above) requires that the Indeo video interactive codec look three frames ahead as it compresses the file. This poses a challenge, however, because (as previously mentioned) Video for Windows requires that each time a source frame is sent to a codec, a compressed frame must immediately be returned. Therefore, for each source frame it receives, the Indeo video interactive codec must return a compressed frame, even when it isn't ready to do so. The Indeo video interactive codec establishes its required three-frame lead at the beginning of each compression session by returning repeated copies of the first frame to Video for Windows. It then remains three frames behind throughout compressing the rest of the file. When the editing application sends the last frame to the codec, the codec returns the fourth-from-the-last frame. The editing application, having sent the last frame and received a compressed frame in return, exits without receiving the last three frames.

Assuming a 100-frame example file, the result is as shown in Figure 5:

Figure 5. Compression With Bidirectional Prediction

An editing application that doesn't support bidirectional prediction is unable to compensate for this three-frame latency when pairing video frames with audio data. Instead, it simply pairs each video frame returned by the codec with the next available audio chunk, and writes the audio and video data as an .AVI frame. Because the first frame was returned three extra times, however, the audio and video in the resulting .AVI file are out of sync by three frames.

The resulting compressed file displays three unusual characteristics:

  • It has three extra video frames at the beginning, duplicates of the first frame, which must be deleted.
  • Because of these duplicate frames, the audio and video are out of sync by three frames.
  • The file has all hundred frames of audio but only ninety-seven frames of video; the last three frames of video from the source file are missing because the editing application exited after sending the last frame to the codec for compression and receiving a compressed frame in return.

In order to avoid this situation and ensure that the editor receives the last three compressed frames, you must prepare a source file that appends three dummy frames. When the last three dummy frames are sent to the codec, the codec returns the last three frames of compressed video from the source file, and the three dummy frames are the ones that the editor inadvertently omits. In this case, the files appear as shown in Figure 6, with the dummy frames marked with a D:

Figure 6. Example File With Dummy Frames After Bidirectional Compression

The resulting compressed file contains all of its audio and video data. However, extra video data remains in the beginning of the file. Correct this by the same method described in the "Transparency" section:

  1. After compressing, reopen the file in the editing application.
  2. Trim the first three frames of video but not audio.
  3. Save the file without recompression.

After deleting the extra frames, the file still starts with a key frame, the true first frame of the video, and can therefore be saved with causing recompression.

Combining Transparency and Bidirectional Prediction
It's possible to compress files using both first-frame analysis transparency and bidirectional prediction. The two features combine to produce four frames of latency in the compressed file.

As before, prepare the source file with dummy frames and then edit the compressed file, deleting the first four frames of video only and saving without recompression.

Compressing digital video on the PC is a complex process. Remember these important points:

  • Set a target data rate low enough to allow the playback device to decompress the data as well as move it from the drive into system memory. For a 2X CD-ROM drive, a target data rate of about 200 KB per second is safe; PCs based on faster Pentium® processors may be able to drive this rate up to 240 KB per second.
  • Make sure you are using the latest version of the codec.
  • Interleave the audio with the video at 1:1.
  • Use the default key frame interval at first; if the results are not optimal, experiment.
  • Don't pad for CD-ROMs if you are compressing with Indeo video interactive. Only pad for CD­ROMs if you are compressing with Indeo video Release 3.2 and intend the file to be played back from a CD-ROM drive.
  • Use the quick compressor to preview your video. For best image quality and data rate control, use the offline compressor for your final application.
  • Enable scalability to avoid dropping frames if the video is played on a system with insufficient processing power.
  • Enable bidirectional prediction for video clips with lots of motion.
  • Avoid recompressing video that has already been compressed.
  • If you want to use such special features of Indeo video interactive as transparency or bidirectional prediction, it is best to use an editing application that supports these features. However, if you must use an editing application that doesn't support them, you can do so as long as you understand how these features affect the video file, and compensate accordingly.

For help and advice on capturing and compressing Indeo video, and to obtain the latest software updates and technical information, contact the Indeo Video Developer Support group.

* Legal Information © 1998 Intel Corporation